Thursday, July 6, 2023

On My Way to White, 7.5.23

6 Months ago, I missed my monthly hair appointment. By the time I finally got an appointment, I was intrigued by the color of my roots. It looked as if my hair would be almost completely white, without the color. I always assumed it would be a drab, gray color, so I couldn't even imagine letting it go until I was much older. But my mom has, and my grandma had, beautiful, pure white hair and once I saw that might be what I've been genetically gifted, I had second thoughts about waiting. It helped a lot to have an awesome hairdresser who is especially good with color. She gave me a clear vision of how I could transition gracefully, from brown to white and began her creative pursuit with my hair at that first appointment, with the assurance that I could always go back to brown at any time. So, just more highlights for appointment one, even more highlights for appointment two and three (I was pretty much blonde at that point), strategically placed highlights and toner for appointment four, appointment five was totally skipped and I'll go in next week for her final, strategic touches. Since my hair is short, it didn't take nearly as long as I thought. 

I have to say, I never thought I would be this happy with it. My hair has never felt healthier than it feels right now and it is honestly the most liberating feeling knowing that I don't have to spend the money and time on my hair every month and that I don't have to worry about my roots showing. Basically, it just feels more authentically ME. This is who I am. This is me, aging. This is me, with nothing to hide. Wow! Right?!

Anyway, I hope my story and photos help someone else out there who is attempting the same thing. I googled and found so many blog posts from women who have already gone through this process and it helped me SO much. 

Last Fall, before deciding to ditch the 

A few more highlights, in February.

And... a few more highlights.

Even more highlights. I felt like a blonde at 
this point.

Even more highlights and toner.

Skipped appointment here, but more white
 coming in strong.

These last two photos were taken yesterday, in front
 of a window with lots of natural light 
pouring through. 

And there you have it! I actually think it looks more like a platinum blonde at this point, but the blonde ends are so close in value to the white that it's hard to tell. I may keep a beige toner on it every few months to keep it from looking drab, but that's all. Growing it a little longer has also helped because, although I'm losing the brown of my youth, I get healthier hair and more styling options.  

I know this post has nothing to do with yoga, reiki or art, but it has everything to do with self-care and self-esteem. If you are on this journey, I hope this helps you! It's a hard decision, but man is it worth it!

Until next time, 
Be Still. Be Strong. Be Happy. ~ Juli

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